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Update Your Home On A Budget With These Quick Fixes

Whether you have just moved into your dream home or are looking to sell and want to update your property, there are many ways you can breathe life into a house without breaking the bank.

Many home renovations can be costly and time-consuming but there are a lot of simple, easy and inexpensive ways to update your home which can be done by yourself.

Repainting your home can make a world of difference. This can help to give your house an instant facelift and make the rooms feel brighter, cleaner and more modern. It is really easy to repaint yourself and the tools needed are relatively inexpensive.

Choose colours that complement your furniture and personality for a fun and unique look, or stick with neutrals for an instantly bright, clean and refreshed look.

Another quick and easy way to update your home is to shuffle your furniture around. This costs nothing and can give a space an entirely new look with minimal effort. Playing around with different layouts can help you discover endless new possibilities.

Shopping for second-hand pieces to add to the home is a great cost-effective way to add interest to a room without breaking the bank to do so. Vintage and antique furniture is popular at the moment and can be found in abundance at car boot sales or charity shops!

You can also refresh old furniture by repairing, refinishing, or repurposing it. Our styles change over time and your furniture may not match your current aesthetic, but there’s not much a lick of paint and some new hardware can’t do!

Swapping the soft furnishings in your home can quickly and easily bring new life so a space. New blankets, throws, bedding and cushion covers can add colour, texture and excitement to a space for a low-cost fix!

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