Could The Renters’ Rights Bill Be Amended?
A bill that would cause sweeping changes for landlords and letting agencies across the UK could have many of its most controversial changes altered or removed.
A bill that would cause sweeping changes for landlords and letting agencies across the UK could have many of its most controversial changes altered or removed.
One of the biggest reforms to the rental market in decades, here is a quick guide to how the Renters’ Rights Bill will affect tenants and the buy-to-let market.
One motivator for buyers and sellers to get in touch with estate agents is a looming deadline which will double the amount of stamp duty buyers pay from April.
House sales have continued their upward trend and new instructions registered a bounce with a net balance of +14 per cent. Find out more on the blog now.
New affordable housing projects are a welcome arrival for buyers but can leave sellers concerned that estate agents will value them lower. Is this correct?
One of the most unusual trends estate agents see is that an entire seasonal boom is experienced in just one day, following the slowest day of the entire year.
The Christmas season could be a great time for house buyers to view a property, so if you’re planning on selling your home, sign up to a local estate agent now.
With house prices rising and buyers encouraged by interest rate cuts, now may be the time for prospective sellers to get a property valuation in Loughborough.
If you have a property to rent, you could find plenty of demand for it in an area with a lack of available lettings as build-to-rent construction falls.
UK House prices are almost back to their all-time peak level, which means now may be a very good time for sellers to contact Leicester estate agents.